Well, I have finally decided what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be Indiana Jones, the professor and archaeologist traveling the world, finding adventure and dodging danger and perils in quest of great and historic artifacts. Well, I figured that I have traveled the world and dodged danger and peril, so I might as well back it up with an education so that I can "dig" deeper into those historic artifacts. So... feel free to follow along as I take you on the comedic journey of an old man navigating the young persons world of College Education! It already sounds like a Rodney Dangerfield Movie! I figured that since I have led a pretty adventurous life (some of which I didn't necessarily ask for) why not put these life experiences into a formal education. I have always had a fascination with Ancient History, especially Greek and Roman history, and have had the privilege of traveling to so many interesting places, and some pretty exciting and sporty adventures around the world that it only seemed fitting. Over the next several years I will be pursuing a Major in Ancient History and possibly a Double Major with Hebrew and Jewish Studies through CSCC and OSU with ultimate goal of Biblical Archaeology. I was asked to maybe start a blog for those who are interested in following the comical adventures of an old man attempting to navigate a young persons world, so I might just do that. So, here I go with my next "Everest" as I jump right in with a 15 hour semester... as a 56 year old freshman! PS - My daughter, son and daughter-in-law are all in school as well, so this should be great fun as I discover yet another way to embarrass them!!! PSS - My mission of bringing awareness about veteran suicide and hopefully encouraging other struggling veterans to reach for their "Everest" remains the same no matter where or what I may be doing, and my personal climbs and adventures will still happen as they are able. |