Tired of sitting around the hotel and anxious to get checked in at the airport. I got up early, did a little yoga stretching and posting. Then I decided I might as well head to the airport early. Now I am just hanging out in the United Lounge waiting for my flight. Talk with everyone tomorrow, hopefully from Santiago, Chile. Sadly I learned of another fallen veteran within our SfS circle, Army Veteran Cory Speakman lost his battle with his demons over Christmas. I can’t stress enough how important this mission has become to me. I could care less about these climbs, what I care most about is stopping this epidemic, and if my struggles and climbs can help encourage even one person, I will continue to do them. I will not forget these names... I carry them and their stories with me daily... for them I will continue on and give my all. I have been given a second chance and I will not waste it.
Sitting in my hotel, the first leg of the journey was an easy hop over to Houston to await my direct flight to Santiago. Before leaving Columbus, my main priority was ensuring I had everything I might potentially need packed and within my luggage allowance. This gear list needs to be further refined down to 50lbs maximum before boarding the actual flight to Antarctica next week, but as we will have about 6 days in Chile I will have plenty of time to sort that out. I am mostly good to go, but it is the last minute “this or that’s” that can make packing so daunting. It never fails that as I walk out the door I always grab one last item!