On a sad note, we added another name to our Silently Fallen flag today. This makes the second since this trip began. Help us bring awareness and prevention by beginning with removing the stigma. Anyone care to join us in solidarity against this epidemic? Do you have a story about your struggles and what you have done to take back control of your life? What is you therapy? Need me to start… Okay. I am Bipolar, and struggle with depression, PTSD and even suicidal tendencies. My family is my support, and the Veterans and Families of SfS are my Purpose and Mission, and these climbs are my therapy. All of this together is what empowers me to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward… Be it a mountain or this mission. I have been given a second chance and I will not waste it.
Now… Dare to Share?
#8000Veterans #summitforsoldiers